Take my life, Take my everything. Strip me of my rights. But give me one thing.
Give me a paradise!
A paradise of brotherhood, and sisterhood.
A paradise where violence does not exist, a paradise where nobody commits a crime, a paradise where people are not afraid to openly confess their sins.
Give me a hope. A hope that at the end of all these troubles, there will be peace, love, and humbleness. Where Greed is no more. Where men do not need guns.
Give me a city.
Give me a city, where doors and locks are no more. Open seats at dinner tables for brothers to join.
A quiet city, where children run in happiness, where a new generation lives happily, where the old generation smiles.
A beautiful city, where evil is no more,
Give Me Paradise. Land of abundance. Land of peace. Land of brotherly and sisterly love.
Give me a land, a land where people different by culture, different by background, different by skin, different by family, can unite as one.
Give me a land where there is no sin. Give Me Paradise!