With this ever growing trend of attempting to look young, to find the elixir of youth, to not look a year older, I have learned to accept that, age is inevitable.
But oddly enough, it is what I want. Because as the numbers in my age add, so does the wisdom in my years.
From the fine lines in my eyes, I have seen you bloom from a little bud, to a beautiful flower, that has added so much colour and warmth to my life.
From the lines at the corners of my mouth, I have smiled at every single moment of you spent next to me, and at all the moments that we have laughed together, that I will remember for more years to come.
From the wrinkles on my hands, I have remembered every single gentle tug and grip, and when our fingers intertwined, and the touch you bring.
I don't want to look a day younger if it means to spend it alone, I want to look my age, with you by my side being my biggest support, and together we will look old.