maxim utilisation does not necessarily create a symbiosis between the unitary appropriation of universals and particulars, old Socrates knew this, he knew the problem well recorded by Plato: a rich man can have all the needles and camels he wants... maxim utilisation works miracles for the rich, handy truth being: i have life insurance and a pension, but i'm still stuck in a trench with high-school memories and a house with 20 bathrooms but only 3 bedrooms, hence i'm the Chieftain of Microsoft... the rich know the best maxims, the poor know the best narrative... i'd rather hear the narratives than the maxims... maxims are utilised by the rich in a way that does not allow success, they speak fluently in terms of success stories, but they sell them, meaning there's a limited success rate; meaning their narrative sounds are a bit like: if i ****** this guy over, and this one, i cup-caked this one into a half-baked scene; yep, ****** this one, and this one, and this one, and this one over twice... but hey! i'm rich!