should i care for education split between two economic models, capitalism and the right would teach me to dig further and furthest into the mine, self-educated in the sense of the utmost, while communism and the left would teach me "you've learnt enough, go and teach!" go and teach? teach and become an imbecile? is this the right form of marketable charity? dumb down to teach the dumbed down readied for menial tasks? i picked up a book like a sword, there's no point telling me to claim a book to be a hammer - goose squat in trot i say, should it be necessary - although even my grandfather would beg to differ, manual labours are no labours of expanding the mind - so mind that you find gravity rather than knowledge in terms of what drags down your levitation of the unit known as self, better you find gravity than you find knowledge, since the existence of the self is better explained with gravity than knowledge, since there is easier imagining to craft a leash for your rummaging with imagining it otherwise, not so - but in repetition i might only add, had i the gluttony to eat all that came i wouldn't have taken the route toward a literacy, and i would now complain at the poverty of the intellect grasped - instead i complain at the intellect grasped, with so little sensual temptation being experienced as rites of our father, that petulant prayer and hope for the crucifix of forgiveness to be exercised - O indeed should that be the cleavage of white tulips in blossom, i too would wage an unending war - had i left the temple of old men clamouring feminine youth to discourage masculine youth into debt and regret from ever achieving equal status to their own... then unto youthful masculine the promise of daily reincarnation in war and brotherhood, a Valhalla, a Valhalla... and unto the feminine the daydreams of being trapped in such bodies as given but living out a dream of reincarnation as feline; the furry serpents due to the diamond pupils; then unto the boys blue trucks and war, as unto the girls pink mannequins and cats.