this July fourth I would ask something from white America which is not going to be easy but could go a long way in rebuilding the dream – do not go to parades do not spend money on smoke and mirrors fireworks twinkle but for a second but the image of hypocrisy shines in every minority eye instead close the drapes gather the family in the middle of the room kneel bow your heads like in the Rockwell paintings and ask whatever you think of as greater than your self for forgiveness – when the red and white of old glory fly for freedom think about who is free and what that means do not salute or stand at attention for the symbol of empire and oppression instead close the drapes get on your knees and beg for forgiveness – 400 years of slavery 250 years of empire conversation of wall building deporting 11 million Americans because of paperwork… disallowing the influx of the most war torn and ravaged people since Vietnam they are our brothers and sisters who just happen to hail from Syria – the United States stands as a global disgrace in place of the greatest nation we see hate values and racial profiling bigotry peppered with intolerance this fourth of July think about freedom think about liberty