“do cats understand time?” i ask my cat scratching under her chin “or do you just move between food and sleeping?” “it’s been a year since honey bear died” “do you miss her too?”
my cat gave no answer not even a purr but her eyes looked sad and then i remembered that after honey bear died she would lay right where the dog’s bed used to be as if she were keeping watch
i still find dog hair on some of my clothes and the whole back seat of my stepdad’s truck is blanketed in her fur it still smells like her
so does the closet out in the livingroom where her bed used to be and sometimes i still think i can hear her toenails on the floor her little huffing breath and i miss her so much
i have had dreams where i go to the back door and call her name over and over leaning out of the doorway and into the dark night but she never comes she never comes and i wait calling her name over and over but she never comes
it’s been exactly one year since she passed a whole **** year and it doesn’t feel anywhere near that long it feels like yesterday
my chest hurts my heart aches i feel hollow i miss my girl so much but i know she is no longer in pain she can see and run without her hips hurting there are no more needles no more vet visits but i miss her so