For the first time in ten months I am alone This life once had so much meaning and now I don't know my place anymore There is pressure to start school or find work But I am exhausted Both physically and mentally I just want to sleep The people closest to me are now so far away And I wonder if I will ever see them again The day has never felt so empty They talk about all the wonderful things that can happen in life after AmeriCorps But no one talks about the adjustment Trying to find meaning in an unremarkable day Finding balance in free time Making connections with the outside world because AmeriCorps was its own universe No one talks about how hard it will be to find yourself again I'm starting to look for jobs but it all seems pretty meaningless If I can't help people then what is the point My family doesn't understand They all took the path society laid out for them College 9-5 job Bills Routine And they don't understand that I am already fighting so hard to stay here I can't deal with a life if I'm not happy But I settle anyways I don't really talk anymore My family is spread out throughout the country And I'm just kind of here Not really living Just existing And my biggest fear is that I won't find that passion again Because everyone knows that the older you get The harder it is to follow dreams Society doesn't want to see you succeed And I'm only 19 but my mentality is now sky high I want quality over quantity I'm realizing that I was on a high I was up alongside the clouds And now I'm crashing My eyes are closed And I'm waiting to hit the ground....