Ashes of the Wake ================================== I would like to tell you a story Of a young man born with a power To channel the sun
His name was Regan Noel And he was born in the light His destiny written prehumously
Foretold to end the destruction And oppression Of a tyranny called The Wake
Yet his ability was beyond control He hurt those closest to him by proximity Causing the prophets to denounce him
Fortunately for Regan There was a saving grace A solution to his madness
A drug or drink Dulled his ability Allowing him to think
As the war raged on His vision cleared He'd do anything to be a hero
So he stepped onto the field To face The Wake And free his people
In a blinding flash His presence was known Replacing evil with beauty
As the glare receded Regan stood alone His destiny complete
Later he announced To his people Theres only ashes of The Wake =================================== Waking The Fallen =================================== This is a continuation For the story of the sun born Regan Noel
For after his victory That left only ashes A new Wake formed
Sour from defeat Craving to regain control Of slaves recently free
They ambushed our hero Then threw him in a cell Blocked from his light
He felt powerless For the first time But he was not alone
Chained next to him Was a wizard of dark ability Named Nicklaus McCanter
Like Regan His power was foretold Deriving magic from the moon
"We must do something" Nicklaus pled "Rather than sit here virtually dead"
So together they formed a plan A way of escaping The ties that bound them
Absent power They used their minds Tricking the turnkey to set them loose
Once free The new brothers set a course For vengeance against oppression
In tandem they lay waste To a fallen army risen From the ashes of The Wake =================================== Fall of The Wake =================================== This is the conclusion To a far away trilogy Of magic and revolution
You see The Wake could not contain the sun But it could control the moon
So it sought to separate the two, Regan and Nicklaus In an attempt to disrupt balance
They turned the moon to the dark Alienating the light Of brotherhood
Pitting friend against friend In a battle to the death Poised to retake control of the aftermath
"Look into the light Nicklaus!" Regan implored Yet only hate looked back
"What have they done to you?!" The hero begged Not wanting to hurt his partner
"They awakened me!" Nicklaus screamed As black ink consumed his flesh
Knowing the battle was at a ****** He had no choice So Regan summoned his voice
Like a white hot bar of iron He flashed an image to his companion A last ditch please for reason
In that instant time was frozen Two men forged by prophecy To restore balance
As blinding radiance met absent black The opposing forces Canceled out
Restoring sight to Nicklaus Long enough for a noble sacrifice That can be seen at night
'For he was a hero too Giving his life for destiny By destroying the moon ...
So everytime the moon is new Just remember it symbolizes The fall of The Wake