Living life slow With Not a lot mojo It's people so miss understood Pregnant and barefoot Sorry, this is not textbook We don't have a lot of neighborhoods Something better A lot of woods Filled with flowering dogwoods
Grew up learning about manhood and Womanhood Taught To stand with our neighbors We should and We just would
Family feuds None, as along as you pay your dues Excluding The Hatfield's and the McCoy's We all know about their attitudes
We love our Whiskey Our Makers and heaven hill and our moonshine how mighty fine
Spend our days In the fields Sometime wadding in the mud Where we had just dug Tug! Maybe loose our shoes All we do is shrug
We speak with a southern draw We call our mom, maw We call our dad, paw By the time we start to craw And we consider everyone ya all Kentucky Where the stars shine bright Where everything is just right And everything is alright