Is this the feeling called... "love"? The emotion that's been going around, That's been making everyone unusual?
Because of the evidences I witnessed, It's a contagious disease, I conjectured -
Therefore I find it hard to understand, Why are people so fond of it? Why are people risking their hearts for it?
To me, it was the highest level of stupidity... Until I met him -
I'd say he's different, He has an aura that captivates you, That lures you into his eyes
Therefore I got trapped in his soul... And then, I was forced to trap him in my heart -
I've tried countless ways to just - to just cure this disease - This disease that made me who I'm not used to be, This disease that made me question my empathy;
But this disease - it gave me happiness, it gave me a reason to live - Now I question myself... is this "love" a disease or a cure to my loveless heart?