i. I fell into this hell at the age of twelve on a warm Sunday in Texas.
While the rest of my family left to church, I was to remain at home with my 16 year old cousin.
They thought her harmless because of her physical ailments.
I soon found out anyone could be a Roman.
She held both my skinny arms far apart as though she was preparing to nail me to a cross; Later on that night she taught me how to dance like a demon; I've never been burned by an effervescent fire since.
ii. This hell does not define me, but has marked me forever as an outsider to pure happiness. I've been set ablaze for life. My relationships have sunk into the depths of the inferno; their remains are stories now. The kind you tell at campfires to ***** all the naive children.
iii. It's a long climb when you start at the bottom. Where the scarlet teeth gnaw at your insides, where the claws tear away at your badly drawn design.