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Apr 2016
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she walks the earth

She honors all life

And thusly is she honored


the light that shinneth

Only does so forever


The gods and goddesses are real


You too

Might be real

( I don't know )


( I DO read your poems

But they are so devoid of any

Understanding or Compassion

It's hard to tell what you are )


she walks the high hills

When she looks

You are seen

As you really are


the dream !

The prayer is answered

With a vision of reality

It's up to you

To actually go there !


Thru the fierce wars of ******  illusion


And emotional stupidness

We plunder and pillage

And laugh for awhile



( however )

Taste freedom !


& when they do !



They are gone from here !!!

Me and her (?)


Only get things done

We do not give a ****

About infantile cookie cutter love !

Nor how you fill you souls

With blood

The saints are here


I think I'll sit

In meditation for awhile

Written by
Jeffrey Robin  Yuba city. Cal
(Yuba city. Cal)   
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