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Jan 2012
A princess born in this world,
Cheerful and full of glee,
Dolls and puppets encompassed her,
A rainbow of life it was...

Starting to grow up in haste,
She told, “Dolls are not for me”,
Dreamed of a prince who would come someday,
Forever with her he’d be,

Smiles, laughter in a heap,
Passed springs, those were so full,
Upon the piano notes her heart would leap,
But the prince seemed fast asleep,

She would wait night and day,
Her youth slipping away,
Fragrance flowered in flowers still,
Until one dark day,

Until one dark day,
A messenger told, “Your blood is preyed,
By a monster so hungry,
You can’t run... it’s already too late”,
The prince would break the walls
And free her ... she prayed,

The monster craved to devour her,
It lusted for her prime,
Her father would say “Sorry, angel,
It never was your crime”

He orated at length, a fairytale,
Beside her bed, where, awake was she for long,
Where... nothing could go wrong,

And when he reached halfway through,
He saw his angel’s face,
Covered in a soft smile, adorned in tears,
Fast asleep,
Did the prince come to save her?
She didn’t have the time to hear...
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