To the sun that covers the moon That gives light when the evening comes So the smiles that covers the pain Telling them that I’m okay
Like a face wearing a masked Hiding my deepest heartaches, From the outside I looked very well In the inside there’s a broken me
Scars in my heart that came from rejections Scars in my heart that came from Discrimination Scars in my heart that came from abusing the kindness A scar in my heart from people who pushed away
Oh Pain! That is hanging on me… Oh This Pain! Would you go away?
I’m so sick and tired of this life Wanting myself to end Beaten by the hurt, Can SOMEONE help me!?!
Through my darkest hour There! Someone is calling me Wanted me to draw closer Wanted me to surrender the ache
And to my surprise I run closer and asked, Who are you? What can you do?
Then I shout it loud At the top of my lungs, Here I’ AM! Take this and renew my life Let me survive to this life without regret
Then HE came Rescuing me from the pit of hell Took all my bitterness inside Heals my wounds, restores my HEART
Finally! On that day I was never been the same again I was a changed person Grateful, secured, loved and free
I was never been alone anymore He didn’t let me go, NEVER He was always with me And Now, He lives in me.
Jesus Christ was my one and only savior. #HEwasTheonlyCure