Oh we have met before my love we met and merged before became one many times before spring fever shook the tree of desire and the hot red mist descended and lusted in our eyes
Bodies entwined vine and tree become one once again in breathless love come see the parting of the limbs of tree and clinging vine venerating old old bark
Oh how have we met beneath the full budding trees dripping red dawn the dew all honey sweet the sweet dew
Sap rising kissing leaves to life veins throbbing chrysalis bursting to life the bears and bees ******* honeyed flower caressing the breeze oh this is how we met our endless cycle of love and being
Natural children we play in natures rhythm we sing the day the bright sun-blue day we sing and whistle the black night stars into twinkling being
This is how we met full summered in the honeydewed grass of orange dawn the unnaccountable wind (whence, hence?) and yellowing golden crimson leaves blown by the gleaning breeze to nitrogen the earth at tree feet
Oh yes my love well met we were caved furry bears nuzzling the winter emaciating the cold steel dawn and clung together in sleepy hungry comfort
In all the rhythm of our seasons oh how we have met and merged and being one enfolded in the breast of world in the sensuous fall and resolution of the roundish cyclical earthly ball