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Apr 2016
I don't know
That I've ever been so

Big city dreaming
New faces and chasin'
The pavement that I kick up
With bare Alabamian feet
Toes that leave intricate marks behind
FaceTime my old life in coffee shops
As my new life sits next to me
But it all sits next to me
Holds me close, so dear.

We drew pictures tonight
I think mine encapsulated the interior of my
Chaotic, monstrously colorful mind
We all hold hands together
Talking quickly and with such passionate intensity
We wanna make a difference, feels so good
We shed our skin, our art, our everything
Hustling during the day to get by
I try to remain positive in my darkest times.

A girlfriend of mine shared my post
And referenced me and a group of people as lost
And I know she meant no harm, she's one of the bravest
But it scratched away at something in my gut
That made me feel tired, hurt, and so stupid
But I shed my skin
I shed my skin.

One of the boys and I drank whiskey
As we drew the pictures and examined
The idea of man and woman
So innocent, so platonic
He asked me just now for a picture of my profile
Because he is looking for interesting faces to draw.

All my life I've twirled in pretty dresses
Arm in arm carried and loved, love
I see and examine the way other humans look at me
And I wonder and see through a different lens
Now the self awareness I hold so true.

I grate ginger tea
Messages fill my inbox or replied comments
Baring the sweetest, most sincere words
Urging me to keep going
And for probably the second moment in my life
I believe them.

Lets bookmark this moment
In April, when this time last year
I dreamed and longed for newness
Kicking the pavement there
I compared it tonight
To running out of rope
A metaphor just so easily
Falls from my lips these days
Sometimes I speak and surprise myself.

I've been thinking a lot lately
That women
We, us, women
We are the closest thing to heaven
On this earth.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
   ---, ---, --- and Mark Parker
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