Depression is... like a disease No, scratch that it IS a disease. One moment you think you're better, then BAM it hits you like a **** ton of bricks. Depression is... a never ending cycle Like a merry-go-round on a child's playground or carnival. Your mind spins and spins round and round; over and over. Never ending, never stopping that's what it's like. You try and try to find your way out, but yet come up shorthanded.
Depression is... more than just feeling sad It's a plethora of emotions. Yes, you feel sad but it's more than that. You feel sad; anxious; alone; angry; lost; confused you don't have an appetite, and when you do you eat everything under the sun. The passion and enjoyment you once found in things, no longer remains. Rather it is replaced with emptiness and disparity.
Depression... eats you alive. Gnawing away at your innocent flesh. You become a shell of the person you used to be, unrecognizable from your friends, eventually your family ultimately yourself You don't know who you are anymore, what your purpose is.
Depression... leaves you broken. What was once a whole, is now a fragment of broken pieces, that you just can't seem to put back together. Your eyes no longer have that glimmer, or gleam, or sparkle Rather you gain the thousand mile stare. and you can see the emptiness within your gaze. Initially, I hated that word... broken. Implies that you cannot get better But that's exactly what depression feels like. You feel incurable, untreatable. Everyone says you find happiness within yourself, but how can you find something that's been lost for so long?