Don't cry Grandson. Grandpa is not leaving yet. Dear little boy, your mother shared with me that you were shedding tears on my behalf. Somehow in that 4 year old mind you feared I was going from you. Stay strong, little man. Grandpa is going to stay around as long as possible. You and your brother will have me for some time yet. And even if Grandpa goes to heaven, you must know I'll still be with you. Cherishing every step you take in your long life ahead. I'll be watching, never doubt that. How could this deep love I hold for you boys ever go away? I know that you are young. So many things can seem confusing. Fears that are not understood still can scare the hell out of you. I know all about this, for I too was once your age. Hard for you to believe that Grandpa was once a boy! Don't cry for me, darling Grandson. I'm still kicking around. Though I may not seem in the best of health, my heart and mind are strong with my love for you. Close your eyes, touch your heart. That is where I am.