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Apr 2016
When I burn,
And, I am thrown in flames,
Will you forgive my fights and screams?
When I burn,
And, the fire burns my veins,
Will you forgive me for all the stupid things?

I did or would have done
In the future non-existent,
And the lies written on my scars
Now sparkling in the sparkle reminiscent;

When I burn,
Will you forget the first hi and hello
And the shyness between us?

When I burn,
Will you forget,
The funny names we decided for our kids, at last?

When I burn,
Will you forget the awful 2 am fight?
Where we pushed and screamed,
Our Words extreme!
But how we held each other close, through out the night?

When I burn,
Will you remember,
The ring and
The vows that we said?

"Together and forever,
    Never alone,
        In life,
  And, in Death"
Sukanya Basu
Written by
Sukanya Basu  23/F/Nowhere
   Alyssa Paul
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