I was standing in the mall My Becky in tow We were looking for dresses That you already know For I was texting you And we had found the perfect ones I had sent you 'A' picture (You were lucky it wasn't tones) But she needed matching shoes So we hurried to the next shop And that was when I got the call But my heart didn't drop It was from you ! I said HEY! ! In my usual happy tone But it wasn't you On the other end of the phone He sounded like you So it wasn't till his name rang in my ears That I began to feel the pain Then I felt the tears I calapsed in a seat As he began to rant on Telling me how horible I was And how I was 'wrong' Saying to stay away That this wasn't your choice That you were to young To have your own voice I couldn't even fight I just said okay I hung up the phone And I walked away I was surrounded by people I didn't know Excluding one Who saw the whole show She hurried me out to the car Where I could curl up and die Because after that call I could no longer cry