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Dec 2011
Because Of You
The sun goes down.
Tears bubble up.
A new found frown.
Your words aren't enough.
She holds the knife.
Safely at her wrists.
It is her life.
Now use your wits.
The cup of water waits.
The pills make noise and shake.
Do something or it will be too late.
From this nightmare she must wake.
The blood, it drips and stains.
The girl is not the same.
The outcome, it is plain.
She has to die to hide the shame.
Run through the rain to help her.
Forget the past and lies.
The world is all a blur.
She cannot die.
You burst inside too late.
Her body lay on the floor.
On this date.
You wish you could have done more.
Your nightmare begins.
You just want her back.
There's no one that wins.
Now she is who you lack.
Restless nights come towards you.
Her cold eyes stare hard.
Was there something you could do?
No one would dare play that card.
Months pass with regretful days.
You lean to cutting.
Nothing can ease these pains.
Your mind is running.
You can't take it anymore.
On the bathroom floor you sit.
You cannot fix your broken core.
Every word said makes it lit.
You take the knife to your skin.
You want to end the same as she.
The lights start to dim.
But something else is the key.
You grab the water and the pills.
You chug them down.
Your final will.
You won't share the crown.
The lights fade out.
Your hearing goes.
Now you have no doubt.
You leave your foes.
To meet with her again is all you ever craved.
Now you might see her.
Now you are in your grave.
But it is all a blur.
You know not where you are.
Darkness all around you.
Locked behind these bars.
What will you do?
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