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Apr 2016
The boy who took
Nothing from no one
That was you
It's good seeing you again
You have not changed
I can still read you like
An open book
And you still know
Everything about me

I never regretted breaking up
And by the looks of it
Neither did you
It's good to sit beside you
It's like we never lost touch
But it's been 6 years
Since word reached you
That I was dating someone else
Gently I correct your
Negative mindset

"I want you to meet this band"
Silently I wonder why
But maybe you just need a boost
Just like back in the day
When you did the impossible
Everyone loved you
For the risk you took
And still made profit.
It was a ******* miracle

Perhaps you search
That same engine
I provided then
The boost I threw at you
To get you going
And I'd willingly
Engine anything you got
Never trusted anyone's
Gut feeling like I trust yours

I still got the party flag somewhere
And the Enzo booster flag
And I'm still your friend
And wing woman
I think it's time we get you
A new girlfriend
But don't try to fix me up
With one of your friends.
They're all idiots.
Written by
Sirenes  Belgium
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