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Apr 2016
A Cop Murdered an innocent man yesterday on Summit Ave.
no charges were filed

Hey fella did you hear?

what's that

Construction companies are creating housing
for 15,000 new residents in Hackensack, NJ

for who?

Chris Christie's mob buddies.

Chris Christie doesn't have any mob buddies. He doesn't
have any buddies at all. He just sits there on his fat ***
eating every ding **** in site.

Hey, the press said he lowered unemployment by seven per cent.

Don't believe the press.Β Β The reason unemployment is so low is that the
seven per cent who Were on unemployment are now considered no
longer employable. And were moved off the list to social security.
Resulting in the change.

Hey, aren't the cops there crim.

Shhh, they're trying to get people to move here.

Have they tested the water yet.

They don't have to. Water is something you purchase off the shelf.



in hackensack

Not in Newark Bay where they haven't even looked yet.
In 1970 deadly levels of thorium were found in and around Hackensack, NJ
And you thought Flint, MI was bad. After a 40 year cleanup effort, they are still finding it in a town where the police rob the dying and disabled for kicks.
David Ehrgott
Written by
David Ehrgott  EVERYWHERE!
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