both my grandfather and father were army conscripts without the benefit of a choice, it was conscription... Marshall Law was introduced, hungary didn't feel like a satellite any more, nor did Czechoslovakia in the 60s... the poles were eager to keep the empire intact like the Vietnamese, ironically without as much violence, just empty supermarket shelves... i wasn't given such a benefit, i had to learn a "woman's" trade, being enlisted in the army would have assuredly given me a chance progression into a suitable life, even a lifestyle! i'd be earning enough to distract myself with theatre and opera! alas! i'm not that well instructed to enjoy a comfortable revenue and the comfort of sadistic ballerinas (what i mean is an education in taking orders and not daydream, kept order, a clean pair of shoes, a suit that's not creased)... i know, modern pop and the 8 minute long prog rock piece... let's test our attention spans and care for distractions of digression off the rhythm... it's not necessarily rap worded, nothing about the ghetto, it's not exactly jam-rock Kingston town aphrodisiac... i call it a shared salute, a black panther with a shaved head.. well, somewhere along the line we need a feeling of being in it together.