Existence in the quiet place between the changing of times is safe, is sad, is constant, and filled with disdain. That is where I went to escape the cruelty of your bawling silence.
With whom does my anger more agree? Should I blame your disgusting selfishness or my callow desire to please?
How can a man not love his daughter? How can a person ******, hate, and distort the world... yet think himself desired and puissant?
I cannot say I hate you, because to do so is to deny the vulnerability of my injury. But I can and will shout to the farthest corner of my and your collective universe...
"Your apathy sickens me! Every tense muscle in my body cringes as I ***** your feigned love!"
I will no longer rehearse your betrayal over and over, hoping each time for a different conclusion.
My days twisted between the years have reached their conclusion. I am starting a new season, leaving your carcass to be eaten by the passage of time.