Within me Lies Someone full of hate, pain and rage. I See through her eyes. Inhale her breath. Consume her foolish men.
I hear her, I feel her. She speaks in words that burn Her touch sears the flesh, Turns life to ash.
She traps me within, In skin made of silk Her voice made of Jazz. Helpless is me (who had lost herself To the beast once trapped within).
I feel her pain. I feel her hurt, In pulsating waves Felt within hollow chambers Of the heart.
She is not shackled by this pain, This hurt. She is Fire. All consuming, all powerful. Callously and Casually she entraps. She ensnares she takes (Inside her rests an unyielding furnace, Filled with the ash and bone of her victims. Am I too one?).
She corrupts flesh, she corrupts minds she burns brightly, boldly, dangerously. Her flesh slick with The effluvium of Lust.
I live within her, I reside inside. Shadow of my former self Fragment of my former life.
She continues to live, she continues to consume As fire can only take Fire can only Burn. It tempts, it ensnares, enraptures It does not feel, it does not care *It does not love.