Food is very clearly one of life's greatest pleasures Before my immortality had revealed itself, when i could taste I would eat the most delicious food Flavors are something i miss the most Roasted duck breast, brazed boar, steamed broccoli, sauteed mushrooms Spiced rice, beef bourguignon, warm soft bread The sensation of chewing, feeling sinews of meat rip and tear against my teeth Letting taste fill my pallet Feeling my belly fill with fresh hot food, satiating the human desire to feed But many years ago taste began to abandon me It maddened me; i gorged myself Ate everything i could to try and taste Drank far beyond when a normal man would have died My appetite grew and went to strange places Desperation consumed me and my mind caved inward I began abducting people Of vastly different ages Having them eat food so that i may watch Sometimes i would have them feed me Eventually i turned to eating my victims In a desperate attempt to gain my lost sensation The young, the old, the unborn, the dead My early decent into never ending life was a torrential madness It ruined my mind Only after having eaten my entire household inhabitants Did i confront, no, transform into the entity i am now Among very few things, I remember taste the most But i miss it the least A simple joy, lead me to the most distorted, darkest, insanity
2012, a very different mind, a very different me.... see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM