The Immortal Melting Man no. 2 I was witness to a birth To the child of my last living relative One final, feeble attempt to keep our withering family tree alive A birth without marriage A manic, desperate cling to legacy So much hope, manifested in brand new life Although the child itself was beautiful, birth and death have blurred in grandeur to me All beings return to dust, with or without blessings from their intangible father figure And this child would be no exception, i thought to myself Seasons would pass, however many, and the child would grow, and then the man would die Life and living to me, are as rocks are to the ocean. Both just words, unyielding just as they are present and unchangeable And i find it very odd, as the child breathes his first gulp of air and returns it as a squeel of primitive affirmation saying i am alive; i find it very odd how no one person seems to truly appreciate their life until they are reminded of it Even as i degrade, i know merciful death will not come for me I envy the child Life is a currency, meaningless and monetary It is a liquor meant only for the mortal and flawed Life is but one single dollar. Spend it wisely child.
2012, a very different mind, a very different me.... see Immortal Melting man 1 for explanation of TIMM