Spring. Our relationship was not Based in lightheartedness. It was not a freeing love, But rather a subdued intoxicated thing, That hid in the shadows between our souls. It was deep and serious Because your life was not a lighthearted place. I had dwelled in your mind and seen your fears, I came to understand your bitterness, Which you passed off as a care-free spirit And a tough exterior. But I loved you so. I loved you when you left too.
Winter. Somehow under a snowy gray sky I came alive again, With a relationship new and bright. Not like the place of shadows and depth, But rather like fire, that came alive from a single spark and breathed warmth back into my heart. We share a light It spills out of your eyes and into mine. We thrive in a place where laughter floats on the wind and the past is all but forgotten. Where two people can learn about love And not be burdened by fear. where time itself ceases to exist as we get lost in the moment.
It seems as though relationships Are not simply various emotions, But rather entirely different worlds Just waiting to be discovered.