I was built from my fathers tiny bones my umbilical cord circled with second hand rage. I entered oxygen with Raggedy Anne eyes black circles of fear under stitched innocence Paired with my inside out jumpers on picture day And the quivering hands of my mother smoothing my tangled curls I ended up being jumpy just like her And I got your thick hairline and your breathless passion for music and your ****** up need to explore the darkest cracks of humanity and your avoidance of mortality and your charming sexuality to get exactly whom you wanted--an elite lover who deserves better just to have them in sticky gripped destruction and I got your restlessness and your love for the forbidden and your salvation in rain and your destructive awful enchanting chaos
A young girl sat across from me and asked me what she should do about her father and there I was with my dynamic response she weeped she needed someone to be without poetic movement and body language Without vigor She said it reminded her of her violent father My mother giggles at how distorted I entered the world Dislocated nose A cone head and misshaped eyes Didn't she realize my world was distorted before I even got there? I have always been pretty good with empathy.