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Mar 2016
One shot, two shot, three shot four; another young boy dead on the floor
Another young soul lost to self hate
Another young soul who bottled up everything inside of him until the he could no longer control all his despair
Every drop of hope drained, making him a living corpse
One shot. Anger. Two shot. Hate
Three shot depression.
Anger built from the agonizing pain of holding back every little confession
Hate from every kind of social judgement
Depression being the result of a young boy who could hold no more.
A young boy, a young soul, a life that was taken for granted.
One cut, two cut, three cut four; another depressed girl bleeding on the floor
Another young girl angry.
Angry because she was not enough
Her dark skin, short hair, was not beauty
One cut. hurt. Two cuts.Tears
three cuts. She Misunderstood
four self worth
A beauty, a dime, and angry soul confronted
Skin that was cut because she had no self trust, no self identify, no self security
One dose, two dose, three dose four;
another drugged teen trying to heal open sores
Bad place, wrong friends, and bad decisions.
Angry at the world, making injections
Injections that only add to his state, but not enhance his being
A young teen trying to tame thier self,
Trying to numb the pain and suppress the anger.
One dose. Happy. Two doses. high. Three doses. Giddy. Four doses uncontrollably angry.
Angry with no outlet, no cooler.
A young soul that vein pops, skin gets redder and drugs that tame wild  anger
One thought, two thoughts, three thoughts four; another poet opening a door
Another word manipulator, another creator, another young soul channeling his anger
Only the displeasure of this young boy, this young girl, this young teen, Is channeled through energy.
The anger of this being is carved into the products of trees, using ink and vocabulary
Words of hate, word of despair, words of situation misunderstood are now words channeled through self expressions
This is the poem of the poet who is angry.
Mellitta Adia
Written by
Mellitta Adia  Bahamas
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