I wake to the news of another lynching As our boys scream Bleed Blue And over the border, the Green Girls rejoice And somewhere in Jharkhand Two families mourn the death of their men Cattle traders? Terrorists? Muslim? With cloth stuffed in their throats And arms tied behind Hatred showing in the mob mentality Another dark blot on our secular fabric
And I watch a short film, India, India Of a young boy on Tuesday selling ganeshas at a temple Another image of the same boy on a Friday Selling taweez and chanting Ya Ali Outside Mumbai’s Haji Ali And on Sunday, the same boy singing the praises of the Lord outside a church, selling amulets And I smile This is the India I love, the different faiths The acceptance, the co-existence
As the morning drones on, I watch and participate In the endless debates on Facebook and Twitter Of people posing, taking sides, sounding pedantic While they sit comfortably in their homes Sipping ginger tea made by an underage maid While their Labrador retriever is taken for a walk By their Nepali driver and the Muslim cook smokes a bidi In the garden with the Bihari maali where their son plays
But what will happen to the sons of the lynched cattle traders? What will happen to the brothers of the women *****? What will happen to the mothers of the sons killed? What will happen to the fathers of the unborn children Killed for their mistake of being a girl child? Is this the India we want to grow up in? Is this the India we want to have children in? Is this the India we want to grow old in?
Wake up, my country, it is still dawn The road is long and far and we have miles to walk Towards peace and freedom and love Towards acceptance and equality and oneness Get off that sofa and make a difference Participate, vote, empower, create, enable It’s up to you whether our country goes this way or that So, wake up, my country, it is still dawn Wake up, my country, it is still dawn