i see you in the magnificence of your aura and in your splendour a supple aesthetic comma with cupped hands i see you scoop up the water and let it trickle through your fingers even as the weaver birds chatter ceaselessly outside i see you in that magical moment, a rainbow on your ***** as the fine rose sprays your body with resplendent water in a wondrous fusion of sun, water and glowing inner warmth i see you break into a lyrical smile brimming with beauty and belief and i think to myself you're the story still to be conceived the epic poem in heroic couplets in the making you're the holy grail men have sought in their pilgrimages i shall create a chant and a mantra in your honour even as your person and your image vanquish me and that's what love is you're consumed by your mate in the fashion of the black widow a ravenous spider that eats love
I have reworked this poem and now offer it anew for perusal and your appraisal