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Mar 2016
Call me brave, call me brave.
These city lights will see me
no matter my outcome.
My past lovers will still be past.
History will still repeat itself,
    God will still show himself.
How can I identify,
    When I can't even simplify
my own thoughts into continuity.
Why do I still here your laugh and cry,
    When I don't want to remember
Our old warm fall nights.
When I do free myself most,
    When I am alone and deep,
in my thoughts and intune with my body.
So often my nights rest and restlessness
go hand in hand.
So often in my days confused and anxiety
go hand in hand.
But luckily hand in hand with you means bravery.
Claire Ellen
Written by
Claire Ellen  North Pole, AK
(North Pole, AK)   
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