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Mar 2016
slow, rolling grey hues*
smooth like obsidian
glancing over skin
shimmering under faint porcelain
cast visions over miles
lakes and blank hallways
****** up ways
to celebrate
the humming flesh
another torment
scorched the lovely rays
beating bird's wing
gentle soft touch
lost feathers to new years
not magnificent
just caught under
the weight of our sadness
Christmas lights
another sight,
hold like brothers
sisters under embrace
silent ways to hold
glass of bitter water
gather those tears
see how the gem
wedged in our throats
glimmers beautifully
when the sun and moon
shines at its most
the ocean quiets and stills
excavate the peace
buried by the storming hatred,
*sadness and guilt
it's okay to feel how we all feel
Written by
Eriko  24/F/USA
   ---, Sub Rosa and Rapunzoll
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