They have lived in a time capsules Cocooned in a foundation of lie History and windmills of times has hastily passed their sluggish body The cold desert wind and the ****** splatter of raindrops has swept and washed their age to saint nowhere High in the realms of heaven sad sun has risen million times casting a halo of fiery fire round their territories Angels gods and demons have raged eternal war for the very soul of these immortal mortals Clock has circumnavigated its face million times and yet their hearts have been adamant Hardened like the frozen Antarctica not even the hades fire can defrost them Upon this wicked world they have nested forever awaiting no judgement Cobwebs of wickedness have wove round their blackened heart Their heartbeat resounds like Poseidon's trident as they pump their filthy blood With wax stack ears they haven't perceived the drums of the forthcoming war that have been echoing over the peaks of snow capped mountains Tattoos and ceremonial colours paints their bodies not in readiness for the war but defiance When the moon awakes it ferociously beg for the night to die to escape the nightmare of shining to this lost race......