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Mar 2016
Seahaven and coffee start my morning
After a short night out
Including a blunt ride and showing
Of old memories and current friends
I can't help but to look
Like I'm from the nineties
To people who were adults back then
I slip into my sky high thoughts
About how pretty the sky looks
And how wonderful my cigarettes taste
I block out the people around me but one
She recognizes this but brings me back down
Listening to 90s country
For memory's sake
We blare the radio,
Sing along to the BBQ stain song
I'm not sure what happened in between
This is the best ending I could get
Before I fell asleep
In a nineties sweater
Between three blankets and sheets
With my dog curled at my feet.
Colleen Harrington
Written by
Colleen Harrington  29/F/Ohio
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