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Mar 2016
Desperate human being walking around feeling like he aint worth anything. Opening doors that makes things worse, but he is hurt, so consumed in the mindset that he hates everything. Walking around with no intent on where to go, feels like he has no purpose, he feels like he is just a demented individual. Walking closer to death, starting to think about drugs and alcohol to cure him, even though he knows it''l make his life more grim. Second time that has been this close to committing suicide, he's not feeling alright, he is not sure what to do, there is a fight in his mind telling him to decide. He can't stay in the house, he wants to get out, not really sure what life is about. So he goes on a walk in the cold and dark night, trying to stay in his right mind but it's a tough fight.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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