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Dec 2011
I watch your world from behind this mask,
brooding in spite of myself.
You are glorious, captivating all those that draw near.
They are moths to your flame, while I have a fire of my own.
I don't need you,
but I want you.  
There is no reason,
just desire.

We meet by chance and luck,
but you're looking through the cracks in the porcelain.
You see what I keep secret, far away from prying eyes of others.
And you begin to wonder, and you begin to crave me as well.
I don't need to,
but I want to.
There is no reason,
just desire.

I want to show myself to you,
though I'm afraid that you may run from the sight.
I'm breaking from this shell, I'm pulling off this skin.
Your face betrays you, your fear sickens me to violence.

I don't need to,
but I want to.
There is no reason,
just desire.
Something I wrote at 2am today, whilst over-tired.  x]
Alexandrea Lee
Written by
Alexandrea Lee
   Pure LOVE and M P Hill
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