Right now I am breaking my writers block. My page is incomplete without another piece written about someone special like you. The first time you asked to hold my hand I sensed hesitation in you and felt fear in me. I pressed against your shoulder and all my fears ceased within me. I felt your touch how you wanted to protect me from the horror you became my beautiful sight. Not knowing you brought fear of having you and getting to know you was the graving of the bumps in the desert how they would never stop us from getting to where we want to be. I want to be with you, I want to share these feelings with you. I want to have a nice poem about you. Here it is, and here we are. Look what you have done, bringing me and you into a better world to see and live. No fawn is ever taken for granted, and no mistake is ever frowned upon. I’ve warmed up enough, and I saved the time I write this for the perfect night. Tonight was magnificent, and that is what my life is becoming thanks to you.