I kept searching through a catalogue of memories, And soon-to-be's, Trying to find some great metaphor, Or situation to use, But it became borderline self abuse Trying to find non-cliche *******, But I'm done trying to right,
So I'm going to write -
'I miss you' and well, the real question is Who the **** wouldn't?
Your eyes hide a lot kid, And that's what makes you frustrating I can't tell if they are clear or fading, But I kinda hope I never learn So it forces towards me to discern, If you really choose comfortability That's ok lady gaga because your poker face will never outpace your smile
That smile gives away more than your eyes, The sudden urge to not when you know you're speaking beautiful lies It shifts when you need to look away And it's because you have to wear it every day It's easy for someone to miss the subtle ways.
And you, you're as subtle as a chainsaw, To the people that actually see you.
how I wish they could see you the way I do, but they're going to destroy you for committing the crime of knowing a love humanity has not learned to deserve