if friendships are not constructed within monetary necessities, then familial associations excluding monetary associations limit any association at all.*
if friendship is not built upon monetary funds, it's built upon familial *******, yet being a son to a father in debt, whether actual or moral, there's little chance of success should success be quantified with a measure of it being withstanding / dittoing in the english way disregards conjunction and preposition of words - this new musicology is a matter or higher punctuation of syllables, since syllables are monochromatic syllable usage i.e. onomatopoeia (ono' ma' to' po' 'eia), where are the other punctuations, eh? why revise the narration if not merely revise / add to it? the higher punctuation include such marks as colon, semi-colon, hyphen.... while lower punctuation only include the syllable scalpel that's half the ditto and a full quotation mark of the voiced.