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Mar 2016
i never found you to be cruel, even when you played
with my heartstrings as a consequence of baring my
heart open or when you sent me flowery words you
know well are my favorites just so you can see me
bleed from its thorns

i never saw you as a mistake, even when i've already drowned
once down the quicksand of all the time i wasted, even when
i'm well aware of how reckless of a force you are and i would
still heedlessly forget to practice safety measures

i never thought of you as someone who can save me, and while
it's true that i have fallen from grace, i have already been washed
up on the shore, i have already found myself, and i don't need no
hero but if i was asked what i do need, am i allowed to utter
your name? the name that echoes deep inside the hollowness
of my existence, engraved in my mind, tattooed on my soul?

i never wanted you to think that i'd be incomplete without you
because even i think such an idea is irrational and untrue, i never
wanted you to raise my hopes up and crush down my expectations,
i never wanted you to wear your heart on your sleeves so that
we'll match, what i wanted was simply you.

i've always wanted you,
but if you don't feel the same way,
then goodbye.
L.m., just know you'll never be a good riddance
Lisa Mendoza
Written by
Lisa Mendoza  Philippines
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