with citation of Aeschylus, when Clytemnestra's ghost enters Apollo's temple seeing himself slain among the gorgons, wingless congregation, the effort of matricide with hands washed in menthol rather than water... with citation of Eumindes everyone might unearth a pyramid of giza as source of just divine intervention, with zeus and the sphinx (riddle-hound of wisdom), hades and the cerberus (shadow-grasp of a snail's heaving hour).... because who'd wish to encourage congregations of necrophilia accepted with over-towering spectacles of ******* rectangles high up to count 100 levels with only one room a burial chamber later blinded to provoke squirting sulphuric toads into motion? as asked: where are the sneezing beasts of gesundheit applaud that might encourage rather than prove to be a Pharaoh's cursing? i mean, i might just be a tourist rather than an archaeologist, yawning admiring chiselled marble into picasso shapes... and i might not be a grave-digger, but then why leave a dead body with so much treasure worthy of defending as if you were living?