i'm just bored of having to feel what other people feel, limiting the realism of things, a woman with a child's severed head in moscow is sensationalism to them, but when they get a mild reality, Kashmir chilly on the palette, they make cheap Monty Python jokes to scare the facts away... the so-called satire that requires canned laughter; was given a library of 25 philosophy books, not one of them by an englishman, went as far back as the greeks, i guess the version of english egalitarian was not worth a communism, somehow the two synonyms became antonyms... 25 volumes of philosophy, not one english philosopher... the english intellectualise: i.e.: regurgitate facts.... the english do not philosophise, i.e. instead they cite facts... they're intellectuals by rite of citation, the citation of facts, they can't philosophise i.e. not cite (facts)... they intellectualise, they cite and recite facts with a dogmatism that fears a demolition and no rekindling of interest... to philosophise is to avoid citation: to work from nothing, the english cannot philosophise because they intellectualise and by intellectualism they cite and recite facts like an ave maria pi = 3.14... Galileo's spectacles... etc. the english cannot philosophise, they're just intellectuals, they cite and recite facts, they cannot engage from non-citation or non-recitation of a fact, like a greek might ignore a stone and fool himself claiming it's nothing, the english cannot allow a confiscation of a subject and treat it as nothing, it would not make sense as to why charles i was the precursor of the french aristocratic en masse meeting with the guillotine if darwinism wasn't discovered on the islands of Galapagos... although i beg to differ with a thought on Gauguin and the islands of Tahiti: make a turtle yawn and you'll jinx yourself a blessing to live to be one hundred years old.