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Feb 2016
I've been feeling extremely
Like I don't know what to spend my time doing
I convince myself that nothing is a waste of your time if you enjoy it
But I still find myself bored
The idea of working
At home or not
Is so distant now
That it doesn't even feel like a possibility
I try not to be bitter
And angry towards the more fortunate
But it's so hard
Oh to be healthy
To have the health to do what I want
The money to to do anything I want
The vehicle to go where I want
I hope for the day when I'll have that freedom
Maybe not the health
Because it's no good to wish for miracles
But just a bit of freedom
Would fix the constant itch
Of being house-crazy
And feeling pointless.
I feel like I haven't written in a while, amazing how nice it feels to get that off my chest.
Chloe Potter
Written by
Chloe Potter  Temmie Village
(Temmie Village)   
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