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Feb 2016
i'm not pretentious, latin is dead,
church or society latin with it too...
ungrammatical latin is perfect
in whatever usage... does not desire
grammar schools... i know my latin
is awkward... the imperial march # Vivaldi...
oops upping a weather balloon and then
it rained and shined...*

see, it appeases the crowd, who wish to congregate, while i only wish to take a ****: it’s like the church sent them and i was a peasant for easy ha ha... i’d easily eat them than ha ha... to easily forget it was your heart i was eating an not my ow item of addiction; nonetheless it made opera and caffeine a cherished return to, where whiskey replaced wine for all that dizziness required for a second life.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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