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Feb 2016
Bandaged Skins

As sweat lines the collars of the femininely shaped boys,
While their voices crack with desperation,
Bandages cover the chest of some as their heart is shattered by the unbearable burden of unwanted weights.
While fake smiles and shattered hope lies around the dinner tables at night for some,
While others are hiding within their room when dinner bells ring.
While some get used to the cold long nights on the unforgiving streets sides.
While others learn to hear the never ending battle of true love and true family.
I am to be what they do not wish of me to be.
As today’s society only cares for what we see as “Normal”,
The Abnormals get pushed to the side,
Dictated on who they really are,
Forced to become and be seen as what they do not  wish to ever be seen nor called.
As some kids lie awake at night thinking about their own ways of ending it all,
As some kids escape reality with a silver lining and a red flowing river of uplifting truths.
While blood shall never determine who I see and feel myself to be.
While some kids get used to the taste of the burning sensation of alcohol on their tongues and lips.
And others get used to the sting in their lungs and the everlasting high that escapes the bongs, the pipes, the needles, the straws the blades that they all used to escape the hateful truth of today's society.  
As some walk the streets proud and tall of who they truly are to be,
As some break with each step as every day is just another battle within.
Fear strikes when school comes for some,
Fear strikes when work comes for some.
As we all are judged by a single glance of the untruthful eyes.
While news lines rage with the discrimination of today's world.
While gun fire get mistaken as a car engine,
While the sound of the physically, emotionally, verbally and mentally abused get hidden within the crowd behind the metaphorical mask that they wake up to wear in fear.
I am just a boy,
A boy that can no longer see nor sing,
As my world breaks within the battle of politics,
Why should politics decide who I am to be?
Why should others tell and speak with hate filled voices of who I am to love?
As Love should be free,
Love should be apart of everyone's life,
But as we grow older,
As the air becomes harder to breath.
We are mistaken love for hate.
We have mistaken the word Hate For Love.
As this World Discriminates the sight of our  kind,
As though we are put into separate files.
As we are not Seen as Humans, But as of beast plotting against the Humans.
Toss us a bone, We will not fetch.
Toss us a pile of trash, We will not scavenge for food,
Toss us your bullets at hand, We will not break.
As **** becomes acceptable in today's society,
As the tearing of there skin break from the forceful movements.  
Alley ways become the new **** center and boxing ring as We can no longer walk through.
We choose to walk through them as though we know the eyes of “angels” will see and judge us of what we are to be.
While they point their fingers and laugh at the sight of a poor innocent child being physically harmed.
While they whisper ***** lies in the long dark hallways.
While church bells ring for not a new wedding.. But for a new Death of a Young One.
As The definition of pride becomes more distant in today's society.
As We all are Walking on the remains of history.
History slowly repeats itself as though we are to determined to ****.
As we grip the guns at hand tightly as though we mistaken Guns For Pride.
As Bullets at hand Get mistaken For Useless Toys.
As our children get used to the sight of the Fallen.
As Now,
We all Cry Out For Peace.
We all wish to not Barry One Another.
As The dirt lines our nails as we Dig the grave for the next.
Stop the fighting.
Stop the Wars.
Let Us Be Us.
As We Will Never Break Within Your Circumstances.
We Will Stand Tall And Brave As We are United.
United By One Another.
A Wall We Will Become.
Forever We Shall Stand Strong Against Our Beliefs.
Alexander Wolf
Written by
Alexander Wolf
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