Queen of the fallen tree and the gneiss ridden shore, ruling over an empire of celadon moss and early spring waters, you stand off to the west (of me) and i see your breath shift over your lip and dissipate in loose tendrils against the evening sun
I catch him staring up at the trees arced over our heads with a strange boyish grin, this is sorta what I imagine my life to look like he says all this **** in the way and then beyond that it's clear. He wipes his hand across the sky as if to illustrate the supposed clarity beyond the tangle of branches. I am startled, I meet his gaze briefly and nod because if not a mess or entanglement, what better way to describe the way I feel than to elude to the bracken and brushwood ?
Out across a wire fence, deer gather quietly and stand stock-still as we pass, aloof if not for their big inquiring eyes watching us smirk and bump shoulders because we don't know how else to be close (I already tried my tricks). But he surprises me now and again with his gregariousness with a determination to get to but an equal pleasure in idling, in stillness, in gliding across my instep, performing quick studies on my nails or briefly succumbing to the shadow beneath my collarbone--
Quite arbitrarily, i ask for his pocket knife but it's him that carves our initials into the snarl at my feet, his hood pulled close around his neck as he sets to work Bis now with those hands that have been kilned and slipped with engobe, I am stirred stirred stirred and awake awake and afraid.