Hey guys, its been awhile. Things have changed for me things arent the same as they were just only a few months ago when I was staggering and stumbling around trying to figure my way through
I've finally found myself found the things ive been looking for all along to feel loved to be loved to find friends and family amongst thieves and beggars
Ive really hit the gold guys and im so thankful for all of hellopoetry because you guys all helped me through my toughest days and supported me throughout. it was here that I met my best friends and my boyfriend, it was here that I got to meet amazing people and amazing works. I am grateful.
Sorry this is so random and I didnt bother with grammar and punctuation and whatnot I just needed to get this out and for me it sounded better without all the markings
Anyways its been awhile, sorry I disappeared >< I lost the ways of writing and ive only just begun to write again, so forgive me as I get back on the horse so to speak
Just wanted to thank you guys for everything because hp was so important to me and still is. Thanks guys for everything ♥